Newly elected Mayor of Sierra Vista Clea McCaa was in the studio this morning supporting the Boys and Girls Club of Sierra Vista Radio-A-Thon, brought to you by Sulphur Springs Valley Electric Cooperative (SSVEC). He and Jay Hamwright with the Boys and Girls Club stopped by the KWCD morning Show with Grady Butler & Rebecca and then headed over to K101 with Val. 

Why are kids important to you as Mayor of Sierra Vista?  

Mayor McCaa: “Kids are my main purpose, our youth, and service. One of my platforms was to engage youth in the community and government. I mentor a lot of youth, I have teenagers at home as well, and my main purpose is to make sure that our youth are accounted for in our government and that we mentor them in government as well as other industries here in Sierra Vista. They have young minds, and they have fresh ideas, and we don't want to discard them from anything that we do.”  

Why is the Boys and Girls Club of Sierra Vista important to this community?  

Mayor McCaa: "I’ve known Jay Hamwright for a long time. This brother is just tremendous, remarkable, just out-of-the-box thinking. To me, the Boys and Girls Club is a vital part of our community because they bring in those boys and girls that are that are less fortunate as well as those that are progressing in the community. They provide recreation and provide instruction to those boys and girls in our community. They do so many remarkable things helping our youth progress forward. I just want to celebrate The Boys and Girls Club of Sierra Vista and just make sure that Sierra Vista knows that the Boys and Girls Club is just one of the top-notch entities in our community.”   

What can we do to help the Boys and Girls Club of Sierra Vista?  

Jay Hamwright: “It’s tax time; how it works is a dollar-for-dollar tax credit, so you could pick a nonprofit charity qualifying charitable organization, and the Boys and Girls Club qualifies. If you're single, you could donate $400, and if you're filing jointly, you could donate up to $800. It sounds too good to be true, but you get every penny back, basically telling them instead of fixing a road somewhere in the north side of the state that you'll never see, instead invest those dollars right here in our community, right here with our kids. We have more information on our website., you can give us a call at 520-515-1511   

Photo Credit Grady Butler
Photo Credit Jay Hamwright
Photo Credit Grady Butler
Photo Credit Grady Butler
Photo Credit Jay Hamwright
Photo Credit Jay Hamwright


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