A city in Arizona just put a law into place limiting the number of certain types of cars residents can have parked in their driveways or on their property.
Is the earth flat? Is the government covering up aliens visiting the earth? Facebook discusses which Conspiracy Theories we believe are true. How many do you agree with?
It's no secret that Arizona is one of America's most historically significant states. As the "new frontier" in the early 19th century, to the gunslingers and outlaws that slowly faded away into legend, Arizona's historical significance cannot be understated.
From ditching food delivery to traveling less, Arizona is feeling the pinch of inflation. A lot of Arizona residents are doing without or doing things themselves to save money as prices rise across the board.
We just can't catch a break, huh? Over the past few years, it's seemed like diseases we'd thought eradicated and those that we'd never heard of have been attacking our immune systems like an angry Mike Tyson.
America is a democracy. That means that the people, no one else, chooses those who will be in charge of our government. Many times, this works exactly as it should, but unfortunately, this can allow some bad apples to make their way into our government.