Wildfire combat is a necessity in this part of the country. With a climate this dry and hot, even the most minimal spark can cause an inferno to tear across the desert landscape.

Two firefighters battle a wildfire
Credit: Canva

Arial combat is one of the best methods to contain the blaze, using smaller planes to douse the flames and mitigate the damage while boots on the ground work to extinguish what's left.

A new product has just hit Arizona aviation, and it plans to change their strategy permanently.

What is SAF?

Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) is a new revolution in the energy crisis. Produced by Long Beach, California company Neste, the fuel aims to make aircraft more environmentally friendly, while subsequently boosting performance.

Man fuels a commercial airliner
Credit: Canva

The fuel itself is 100% renewable and sustainably sourced, and serves as a means to counteract the massive amount of carbon emissions put into our atmosphere every year.

For every 8,000 gallons used, carbon emissions reduce by 19 metric tons, the equivalent of taking four and a half cars off the road for a year.

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Arizona's Starting Grounds

Plane takes off from Sedona
Credit: Canva

SAF will be making its Arizona debut at KSEZ, Sedona's airport. The fuel will be available for purchase by private and commercial pilots, the bulk of this fuel will go towards Arizona's wildfire fighting fleet.

The fuel not only helps the planes themselves preform better, but due to its sustainable build, will hopefully begin to cool down our planet, making risk of wildfires in areas like this lower.

Smokey the Bear stamp
Credit: Canva

While the benefits for this fuel have yet to be seen, it's an excellent addition to Arizona's firefighting crew, and will hopefully begin to spread across the state.


[General Aviation News]

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Gallery Credit: Christopher Cappiali/Canva

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