How Do You Get to Sierra Vista Red Lobster?
There are a lot of local conversation groups on Facebook. Some that help pet owners connect to lost or found pets. Others keep readers in touch with events happening around Cochise County.
Some of these sites are downright useful. If you're looking for yard sales, trying to exchange services, or attempting to help a member of our community, the users in these local groups are pretty great at helping connect each other with what we need.
Taking Things to a PLACE
There are a few groups that take the conversation to a place. You know what I'm talking about. The subject seems innocent enough, until someone takes that sharp turn into POLITICS.
Then the factions split, the attacks begin, the explainers explain, and on and on. Sierra Vista and Cochise County have their fair share of these groups, especially on Facebook. Some claim they're BETTER than other groups. Nicer, kinder, more moderated. Some just take off the gloves and duke it out.
I guess it all depends on what you're willing to tolerate. If you're just in it for the entertainment value, you can definitely get on board with most of these places.
Going to Sierra Vista Red Lobster
There is one subject that seems to bubble up again and again. You could be talking about which flowers are the best to plant. Where the best yard sales will be, and then, out of nowhere, someone will troll the entire thread with four little words: Sierra Vista Red Lobster.
The legend has become so big, you can see it for yourself: click this link and you'll find that someone has even started a Facebook Page dedicated to Sierra Vista Red Lobster. It even has 545 followers.
Don't go looking for the Red Lobster around town, and don't go asking Google for directions: the Sierra Vista Red Lobster doesn't exist.
The Legend Began
The legend began many years ago. Rumors about Red Lobster building and opening in Sierra Vista were everywhere. And they were planning to build here. The reasons why things didn't work out will change, depending on who you ask.
The bottom line: they were planning to build on Fry Boulevard in the KMart Shopping Center around about where the Arby's is currently located. However, they couldn't get the agreement settled to everyone's satisfaction, so Red Lobster decided against it.
What restaurant do YOU wish would come to Sierra Vista?
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