What Would a Spy Balloon See If it Floated Over Sierra Vista?
When the Chinese spy balloon, or weather balloon, or party balloon, or whatever it was, hit the news last week as it floated lazily over Montana and the upper part of the United States, as usual I decided to leave all the ACTUAL news and commentary to much more qualified - and interesting - folks.
I, on the other hand, saw this as an opportunity to poke a little fun. Burst the bubble, so to speak. I saw a question trending in several markets: what would the spy balloon see if it floated over your city? So yeah, I decided to float this question to my listeners.
Ask expected the first thing you hit me with was: um....we already have a spy balloon floating over Sierra Vista. And Fort Huachuca. And...well, much of Cochise County. Val, is your coffee strong enough this morning?
Of course, I work in radio, so no. It's not. But that's a whole other problem. You did humor me, and came up with some creative ideas, even adding some memes to keep the story skipping through the social-sphere.
John flew over the page and dropped this regarding what the spy balloon would see: "People who don't know what lane to turn into when they turn right or left onto a two-lane road like Fry Boulevard."
Another fellow, also named John, leaned into the Fort angle, saying, "Depending in the time of day, [the balloon would see] a bunch of privates acting a fool. Trying not to get caught." I think more than a few of us can relate to that statement.
Lorena was the first to mention that we already have a "spy balloon". Ryan also pointed out the fact that ANOTHER blimp would just be, well, ANOTHER blimp. "We already have a blimp." He said, 'Fat Albert' might get jealous of the new balloon."
Jack said the answer to "what the spy balloon would see" is one we're pretty used to hearing around here: "It's Classified".
My favorite answer came from Rosmarie who said the balloon would see, "That we a good community and there is still kindness going around." I concur, Rosmarie.
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