Sierra Vista is a great place to live. Low cost of living, stunning natural beauty, and a relatively comfortable climate make this city south of Tucson one of Arizona's most coveted landing spots.

The Huachuca Mountains
Credit: Canva

Unfortunately, not all is perfect here. As a secondary city, there's plenty of business that hasn't made its way down here yet, so we asked Sierra Vista what they want to see open here.

They've got some great ideas.

Restaurants That Should Open in Sierra Vista

Fast food is a staple of any great American city. The ability to grab whatever kind of food you want within minutes is an innovation we won't soon forget. While Sierra Vista has plenty of choices, from McDonalds to KFC to a newly built Popeyes, there's still some establishments people are raving for.

A Chick Fil A storefront with comments asking for one
Credit: Alex Wong/Getty Images

Personally, as a Georgia boy, Chick-Fil-A and waffle House are my top two, and it seems like Sierra Vista agrees with me. Chick-Fil-A was the second most requested answer, and for good reason. Their food is incredible, and their customer service is next to none.

It's not just food that people want here though.

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What Other Businesses Would We Like to See?

The residents of Sierra Vista had some great ideas. Some for fun, such as a Top Golf or a trampoline park like SkyZone for the kids to enjoy, or something more useful, like a 24 hour Vet.

A woman at Top Golf
Credit: Canva

The highest response, however, was for a bulk shopping chain, like Costco or Sam's Club. Both of these stores are a godsend, especially to families, as buying in bulk usually nets you a hefty discount.

A costco storefront
Credit: Eric Thayer/Getty Images

While it may be some time before any of these make landfall in good ole Sierra Vista, we can make our voices heard, and let city leaders know what we want our home town to look like!

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How Many Do You Know?

Gallery Credit: Chris

The Top 10 Hardest Things About Moving to Arizona

Arizona has seen a massive bump in out of state transfers, and as one myself, I felt it best to count down the hardest things myself and others have experienced while moving to this beautiful state.

Gallery Credit: Christopher Cappiali

Easily Mispronounced Names in Arizona

Arizona is home to a beautiful mixture of cultures, but because of that, names across the state may be hard to pronounce for newcomers.

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