Are These Animals ILLEGAL to Own in Arizona?
If you were ever a six-year-old child, there's a good chance you may have had a moment where you fantasized about running a rescue of some sort, or maybe even a small zoo. I myself planned to adopt ALL the dogs and cats in the shelter. Forever. I was six, I had no idea what the scope of this wish entailed!
Not all animals make great pets, though, and there are animals that are illegal to own in Arizona. There are laws that prevent you from owning certain animals, and you could incur some pretty hefty penalties if you're caught.
This IsALegal's website has some advice on which animals you're not allowed to keep as a pet in Arizona:
It's Not a Big Kitty - It's a Jaguar
Native to South America, these big cats are endangered and protected by law. Aside from the hefty feed bill you'd have to come up with every day, they're dangerous, as well.
Sadly, you're not allowed to own a jaguar in Arizona. Cross off all the other non-domestic felines, too. That means you can't have lions, tigers, leopards, bobcats...you get the idea.
What Did the Fox Say?
We'll never know, because we're not allowed to own foxes, either.
These cute, furry little guys look like a dog and act like a cat, but they're wild animals and they need to remain in their natural habitat.
So, this is a "nope". You're not allowed to own a fox in Arizona. As it turns out, you can't have any other non-domestic canines, either. That's a no to wolves, coyotes, dingoes, and your ex-boyfriend. If he's a wild dog, that is. Okay. Use your best judgment.
Chimpanzees are Not Fuzzy Little Humans
They may be primates and our closest relatives, and they may even remind you of your crazy Uncle Chuck, but chimps are a no-go in Arizona.
They're strong, intelligent animals that need a lot of care and stimulation. A bit like your Uncle Chuck.
In spite of the similarity...sorry, you can't own a chimpanzee in Arizona. You can't have any other primate, either (put Uncle Chuck in this group and your own discretion.) However, you CAN have non-infant primates that are free from any zoonotic diseases. You should probably consult with an expert if this is something you're really set on doing.
Crocodiles Don't Wear Crocs
I feel like we're getting into the "Why in the world would you even want one of these??!!" category.
These ancient reptiles are powerful predators and TheY CaN KiLL YoU.
Of course, so can most of the things on this list. I'm sure crocs are probably kind of cute swimming around in your backyard pool when they're tiny, but they get huge.
So, no. You can't own a crocodile in Arizona. Do I even have to add that this also goes for any other alligator or crocodilian species? (Side note: crocodilian is a fun word to say. Seriously. Try it.)
Shake, Rattles, and Rolls...
I mean. Does this even have to be mentioned??? You cannot own a rattlesnake in this state.
We live in Arizona. We KNOW this, right? Rattlesnakes are venomous, yo, and they can cause serious harm or death if they bite you or your pet.
I can't imagine why you'd even want to keep one in your house unless you're some kind of herpetologist who studies snakes. In which case, I'm going to assume you know far more than I do, have the right licenses, and know what's shaking. Literally.
For the rest of us: hard nope on this one. You cannot own a rattlesnake in Arizona, or any other venomous snake, which means no to cobras, vipers, and any other triangle-headed snek.
Get a Dog...or Be Owned by a Cat
There are many more animals you're not allowed to own in Arizona. So why not consider getting in touch with the local Animal Shelter?
There are many beautiful LEGAL dogs and cats (and sometimes bunnies and LEGAL snakes) who would love you endlessly and be a much safer, cuddlier choice.
LOOK: Here are the pets banned in each state
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