Name a Cockroach After Your Ex & Feed ‘Em to a Pig at Miss Kat’s
Hate your ex? Curse him every time his name comes up? Over the heartache now that you and your bestie are EX-besties? Is the girl of your dreams now the stuff of nightmares?
With all that Hallmark-inspired Valentine's Day sappiness coming our way, it's refreshing to see an alternative option for the rest of us. You can't turn back the clock, but you can get your revenge on that little cockroach. And you can help Miss Kat's Menagerie right here in Cochise County!
Revenge is Sweet at Miss Kat's Menagerie
Katherine La Motte started Miss Kat's Menagerie about two years ago. This local animal rescue takes in unique and special-needs animals. They don't adopt the animals out and they only take in the animals they believe they have the resources to properly care for. The animals at Miss Kat's will live out their lives in peace.
Miss Kat's Menagerie
Miss Kat currently has various dogs and cats, plus two potbelly pigs, various ducks and chickens, plus four tortoises, a bearded dragon, a goat, and an axolotl. Don't know what that is? Neither do I...but here's a photo.
Turn Your Ex into a Cockroach
Miss Kat's Menagerie will help you exact a little virtual revenge on your Ex. She'll name a cockroach or a worm after him or her, then take a video as she feeds it to a creature.
Don't want to feed a live creepie crawly? Miss Kat has some vegetarian options, too. Miss Kat said, "I can write the jerk's name on an egg and feed it to a pig. We have options."
She told me many of the animals also love veggies, so they'll scrawl the screwball's name on a squash or tack the terrorist to a turnip. What better way to say, "I hate you", than with your ex-beloved's name carved into a zucchini? The list goes on.
How to Get in Touch
For a donation of $5, Miss Kat will Feed Your Ex to a Menagerie Resident, film it and send you a copy to enjoy as often as you like. Have more than one roach on your ex-friend list? Get as many as you like and delight in knowing Karma has been served. Literally.
All proceeds benefit Miss Kat's Menagerie. "You can hate people all year long, if you like," Kat said. "You don't have to limit this to Valentine's Day. Whoever is a roach in your life - get in touch and we'll feed 'em to a critter at Miss Kat's Menagerie!"
Get in Contact with Miss Kat's Menagerie on Facebook or Instagram
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