Drones Seen In Arizona Sky, What Could They Be?
What a year 2024 has been. It seems that every few days another massive story pops into the newsfeed, warning us of some unseen danger or another.
As we prepare to close out the year, it seems we've got one more big surprise, and it's scaring Americans from coast to coast.
Drone Sightings
In the waning weeks of the year, residents of New Jersey became worked up in a frenzy. Some residents had noticed large drones just seemingly hovering over their residential areas at night.
While these sightings started on the East Coast, more and more have been seen heading further west, including some in the Grand Canyon State. A few have been seen in the sky above Buckeye, while others have filed reports in Chandler.
A sky party was held in Chandler recently, where folks got together and discussed the unexplained aerial phenomena, some more concerned about the problem than others.
So what on earth are they?
What the Drones Could Be
As these drone sightings have become a national phenomenon, everyone from sea to shining sea has their theories on what these pesky flying machines could be. Some claim that they're just airplanes, and this whole thing is a case of mass psychosis.
Others are more skeptical, with many believing they are spy planes either sent by an enemy of the state, or the U.S. Government itself. Astronomer Andrew McCarthy has a different idea.
He says these claims began popping up around the time that Venus and Jupiter became visible in the night sky, and chalks this up to seeing either those planets, or the bright constellation, Orion.
What do you believe?
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