Rock Painting Sierra Vista Fort Huachuca and Bisbee
Rock painting has become a popular hobby. It doesn't matter if you are good at it or not, it is so much fun. You get to paint small rocks with colorful art and designs. Then you hide them around town for others to find, If you in a club or member of a local Facebook group, you can write a note on the back telling whoever picks it up to re-hide the rock or share a photo of it on social media o to keep it if they want.
I got into rock painting because of my friend April Trappe. My skill level is amateur at best, but she would turn out amazing artwork on these rocks and then just put them out in the area to brighten someone’s day. She said, “It’s such a passion. I hold it very dear to my heart. I hope it really spreads the message: Be Kind!”
When Stan Lee died(Creator of Spider-Man, X-Men and others), she painted a rock for me as a gift. Take a look at it below and then also some other examples of her artwork on rocks. She painted "Moo-Randa Lambert" for the KWCD studio.
Rock painting has caught on worldwide. Some even get mailed around to other communities. If the post office only knew they were carrying rocks around.
Beginners have created some of my favorite rocks. Kids rocks are often so cute you cant help but keep it.
Some groups even organize events where large numbers of painted rocks are left in a specific location. Other groups paint rocks for local Law Enforcement as a "Thank You"
You can make new friends, both online and in person. Social media is a way toshare photos of their painted rocks and alson, the rocks they've found. Many rock painting groups are active online where members share pictures, tips, ideas and more. Some groups are open and some you need to "Join"
Sierra Vista Rocks HERE
Fort Rock-Chuca HERE
Bisbee Rocks HERE
And Here is an example of my rock painting, as you can see, I lean into my geekdom.