Task force makes three DUI arrests Cinco de Mayo
We have all heard Public Service announcements not to drink and drive. They are on the radio, Television, and online. Yet people continue to get behind the wheel and drive while intoxicated. Why? One of the reasons Police hear a lot is, "I thought I was ok to drive." or "I only had a few drinks." We have all heard that drinking affects your judgment, so these excuses seem legit when you start to drive home. This is why it is important to plan ahead. Make these decisions before you start your night while you are sober. That way, "Drunk you" doesn't have to decide. Here is the city press release:
The Southeastern Arizona DUI Task Force made three DUI arrests during a saturation detail conducted in the Sierra Vista area on Friday, May 5, due to Cinco de Mayo.
The detail was performed by the Sierra Vista Police Department, Cochise County Sheriff’s Office, Tombstone Marshal’s Office, and Arizona Department of Public Safety. The detail resulted in the following: 80 traffic stops or contacts, seven warnings or repair orders, 12 miscellaneous civil citations, two miscellaneous misdemeanor arrests, one misdemeanor warrant arrest, two designated drivers, one child seatbelt citation, four criminal speed/reckless driving arrests, two regular DUI misdemeanor arrests, and one drug-related aggravated DUI felony arrest.
The average blood alcohol content (BAC) for the two alcohol-related arrests was 0.095. The third arrest was drug-related and required a blood draw.
With the continuous support from the Arizona Governor’s Office of Highway Safety, the Sierra Vista Police Department reminds drivers that if you choose to drive hammered, you will get nailed. Get a designated driver, not a DUI!
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