In December the City of Sierra Vista announced their new neighborhood partner program, and a partnership grant as well. You can participate in each individually. The neighborhood partner program is kind of like an “adopt a Street” or “adopt a neighborhood” program. You can get together a group of at least five people, and work with the city to help coordinate neighborhood clean-ups and more. Once you sign up, the city will help coordinate cleanup efforts or whatever little projects you want to do. You should get approval from private property owners. You can even start projects like helping an elderly or disabled neighbor clean up their property, for example. Any kind of minor improvements in your neighborhood.  

The grant is a separate program for businesses. You can get help as a business, organization or another group for up to $2,500 for a project on city rights of way and neighborhood areas. These projects also need to benefit the community. Use your imagination and come up with some inventive projects, but it must have a community benefit, it must be on city land because they're using city dollars to help support the program. 

 These programs “...are just two ways we're extending some of the stuff we've done in the commercial area in the West End, and also aid neighborhoods citywide and empower people to get together as neighbors and help each other.” said Adam Curtis, Public Information Officer with the City of Sierra Vista. 

Find out more and sign up at the City of Sierra Vista website Sierra partners. You can also call the community development department at 520-417-4413 to learn more about that program. 

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