Password Tips from Sheriff Dannels
First Watch is on KWCD 92.3 every Friday at 7 AM with Sheriff Mark Dannels. The Sheriff gives a wrap-up of the week at the Sheriff's Office. Community guests finish round out the show with public service announcements, special events, and nonprofit fundraisers. Every Week Sheriff Dannels has a "Safety Message of the Week."
Sheriff Dannels: "Passwords, protect them! That's the gateway to your personal life. That's the gateway to your assets. That's the gateway to get into you. Have smart passwords, and you have to protect those passwords. That's where these scammers are trying to get to you. If they get through your password, or you don't have a good password, or they can trick you into giving it... I spoke to a citizen here just recently; she lost $15,000. She called me and was crying. Folks, protect those passwords because if these thieves, these thugs, these evil people get into your systems, your computers, your phones, whatever it may be, they're into your livelihood. Protect those passwords."
Password tips:
Hackers can quickly get passed bad passwords, so:
Never use your birthday (Nov51955 or 1151955)
Never use your kid's name or a pets name (Johnny/Clifford)
Never use common words or names (Superman/SierraVista/hello)
Never use Password or Pa$$word
Instead, try a passphrase: NOTE These are just examples to start your thinking.
IWantToOwnAJurassicParkJeep Or SingItLaaaa
Create a pass-phrase by using your favorite line from a movie and use the first letters:
"Bye Bye Boys. Have Fun Storming The Castle" becomes BBBHFSTC
Add numbers, use upper and lower case letters, and add symbols.
Never Keep passwords written down near your computer or on your desktop in a folder called passwords. If you must write them down, put them somewhere else and locked if possible.
Make your email password ALWAYS different from your other passwords. Email is arguably the easiest to hack, and if they get into the email, they have access to many emails from your bank and Netflix, and the first thing the hacker will try is the same password they just cracked.
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