Phoenix fan Fusion

Patrick Warburton 2007 Interview with Grady Butler
Patrick Warburton 2007 Interview with Grady Butler
Patrick Warburton 2007 Interview with Grady Butler
Patrick Warburton has one of my favorite voices ever. I had the opportunity to interview him in 2007, he was promoting his movie “Underdog”  You may remember Partick Warburton as David Puddy, Elaine's boyfriend on the television show "Seinfeld." You have also seen him on "Ne...
William Shatner's Groom Lake filmed in Bisbee & Cochise County
William Shatner's Groom Lake filmed in Bisbee & Cochise County
William Shatner's Groom Lake filmed in Bisbee & Cochise County
In 1998 I was on the Morning Show on K101 (100.9 FM) when I heard that William Shatner was in the area scouting movie locations. Being a lifelong Star Trek fan, I started talking about it on the show. After a while, wherever Shatner went in the County, people would tell him, “Oh, yeah, I heard Grady Butler talking about you.” Eve...