When is the Burger King in Sierra Vista opening?When is the Burger King in Sierra Vista opening?When the roof collapsed after a storm last year, the Burger King in Sierra Vista closed. Here's when it will reopen.ValVal
5 Ways to Prepare Your Arizona Home for Monsoon Season5 Ways to Prepare Your Arizona Home for Monsoon SeasonThese five things will help your home and family prepare for monsoon season and damaging weather.ValVal
Arizona's Most Devastating MonsoonsArizona's Most Devastating MonsoonsFor a state so hot and dry, it's ironic that one of the worst natural disasters Arizona can experience is a monsoon.ChrisChris
This Creature is on the Move Now in Arizona: Know What to Do? This Creature is on the Move Now in Arizona: Know What to Do? These animals are on the move in Arizona. Do you know what to do if you encounter this creature in the desert? The more you know, the better the outcome. Read and learn how to handle this desert creature's mating season.ValVal
El Niño, Climate Change, + Crazy Weather! Is the AZ Monsoon Here?El Niño, Climate Change, + Crazy Weather! Is the AZ Monsoon Here?While everyone keeps talking about global climate change, El Niño and dangerous heat waves, has the Monsoon come to cool Arizona down?ValVal
Is This Climate Pattern Bad News for Arizona's Summer Monsoon?Is This Climate Pattern Bad News for Arizona's Summer Monsoon?Will the El Niño climate system cause problems for this year's Arizona monsoon. This is what scientists are saying.ValVal